My app
I really enjoyed creating this app. The program I used was not the most user friendly. It was very slow but I had fun creating the app and the best part was seeing it function on my phone. I have always wondered how apps were created but never thought to look into it. This activity gave me the opportunity to learn that it really is not that difficult to create and app. My app is not as complex as most but I still feel like it is an accomplishment. I used ‘TheAppBuildrer’ program to create my app. The link to my app is: Thanks.
Posted in: Week 05:
kstackhouse 4:40 am on October 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Great work on your App. What beautiful art work! I love that you were able to include a video into your app. Did you notice if there was a limit to the amount of videos or pictures that you could use in the app?
visramn 8:02 am on October 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thank you. I actually had a lot of trouble with loading the video. I had to Google how to do so a couple of times. It turns out that YouTube videos can only be used if they are public and on your channel. It took some work but I was determined to make it work. As far as I know, there is no limit. The app basically links to any videos you have in your YouTube channel and loads the video from the internet. Hence, I am assuming there is not limit. For the pictures you could have multiple galleries so I am thinking the storage capacity is probably pretty good. Then again they may put on a cap as a means to encourage people to buy their paid version. Thanks for your feedback.
melissaayers 4:54 am on October 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
NUreen, I echo Ken’s great work – you seemed to have managed to find your way around the builder no problem and figured out the various media you can embed. Btw I love your video too – it’s really creative, did you make this for a MET course?
visramn 8:04 am on October 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thank you! I created the video in a MET course I took two years ago. That was actually one of my favorite courses because I got to play around with software and create videos. I love hands on tasks that have an artifact as an end result.:)